Saturday, February 7, 2015

Legacy Analysis: True-Name Nemesis

Let me preface this by saying that I am not a Legacy player. But, in looking around at prices recently, I came across True-Name as a card that I felt like I should address.

When it first came out back in last October of last year, the card instantly became the terror of Legacy and was such given the incredibly high price tag. However, in the last few months, the card has seen an almost unprecedented decline in value from its 52 week high of $34.00 all the way to nearly creating a new 52 week low.

True-Name Nemesis: Lifetime Financials

Source: Echo MTG,

These numbers give us a clear sign that it may be time to start buying again. With Treasure Cruise banned, I don't think it would be too outrageous to think that Stoneblade decks could start making a return to the top tables of Legacy events and we could very well see an uptick approaching an all-time high within a year or maybe even less.

In terms of tournament play, True-Name continues to get major traction at the top tables in a variety of decks outside of just Merfolk. But, there's also not as much format-warping play as to warrant a banning like Cruise because, I believe, if Wizards wanted to do that they would have done it last year with the release of Born of the Gods or, more recently Fate Reforged when they cleaned house of all their previous mistakes. This means that we can likely have the confidence to invest and not get burned nearly as much as we could have during the card's height last year.

Here's another thing you may not have considered. This card may never be reprinted. Wizards has already acknowledged that this card was a mistake, and there doesn't seem to much of a possibility of the card ever seeing a reprint because of this, or at the very least within the next year. If the card isn't reprinted, we could see prices approach absurd levels if he remains a powerhouse in Legacy.

As you may be able to tell already, I believe this card is just begging to be snatched up right now. I would say that anything less than $15.00 right now is a steal at the moment, and anything less than $17.00 is definitely still worth considering very carefully. Prices have stalled fairly hard the last few weeks and we seemed to have reached the lowest they can go, which means things can only go up from here.

I would say to buy now and hold on until the prices from the next Core Set level out, before selling for no less than a 30% gain and look for a maximum return of over 60%. Or, the other option is to hold until the card reaches a long-term price level that could approach the all-time high within two years.

True-Name Nemesis: Averages and Lows (Oct. 28, 2013 - Feb. 6, 2015)
Source: MTG Stocks,

I'm very curious what you have to say about this.

Thanks for the support and happy hunting.
 - Jay

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